Socio-Economic Mortality Curves



  • 4 favorites

  • 137 media
  • uploaded January 13, 2025

Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender per country. However, it has been documented that people’s mortality prospects differ beyond their differences in gender. Income, education, job type, etc might all have an impact on mortality. In this online training, we present 1) how such distinctive characteristics can be considered in a mortality model, 2) empirical results (based on Belgian data) and 3) the implications for retirement products valuations. Though the empirical results are based on Belgian data, many results are qualitatively in line with other European countries. The goal of the session is to clarify the impact of various socio-economic factors on mortality and its impact on the valuation and risk-management of retirement products. At the end of the session people will have a good understanding of

  1. Impact of socio-economic status on mortality rates 
  2. Impact of differences in mortality curves on product valuations
  3. Adjusting mortality models to take socio-economic factors into account.


avatar of user bheistermann who posted a comment

February 12, 2025 06:38:34 PM UTC

A very good presentation which should give reason to re-think pension product pricing in some markets and also to re-think tax benefits for all pillars. There is a clear need for more public research on socio-economic factors for mortality / morbidity differences in some countries in Europe.

avatar of user ConstanzeArnold who posted a comment

February 11, 2025 03:06:38 PM UTC

Dear all, thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. We have identified the problem and fixed it. I apologize for any inconvenience and hope you enjoy the video—as well as all other videos from the EAA Days 2025—without further interruptions.

avatar of user TobiasSchacht who posted a comment

February 10, 2025 09:36:38 AM UTC

same here

avatar of user Prelogi who posted a comment

February 6, 2025 02:33:55 PM UTC

The same problem for me.

avatar of user benedikttalnakonnunis who posted a comment

February 5, 2025 06:09:34 PM UTC

Does not seem to be working, I can't play this video.